Big Liquid
Big Liquid is the mysterious ambient/electronic project of New Yorker Keenan Novi. His new release, An Old Backpack, echoes the sights and sounds of the city that surrounds him. Most of the songs recorded for An Old Backpack were constructed as Spring was blooming yet the commotion of the city provides a feeling of disquiet to the album's mood. Noise from a busy intersection outside Novi's window can be heard as the foundation for some of the pieces. There is an air of longing that hovers over these evocative landscapes as elements of drone and dub dance in and out of sight.
An Old Backpack's first half is a measured slow burn of haunting rhythmic tension. Here Novi indulges in drone and trip hop atmospheres that slowly pull the listener under. "Banj" and "Fruit Bruse" provide a breathtaking shift in direction from the first half, standing out as the most immediate pieces on the album. Outlers perhaps, but the tracks speak to the realms Novi can push towards. "Wallingford" ends the album with a clearly traced influence. Named after Novi's hometown, the track breaks free from the tightly wound arrangements of other pieces for something a bit more open and spacious. An Old Backpack showcases Novi subtly searching and probing in numerous directions. Yet Big Liquid always feels bound to a calming center, moving deliberately towards a greater purpose.

Big Liquid - Loose Corner
June 2023sound as language

Big Liquid - An Old Backpack
May 2021sound as language