Ki Oni
Ki Oni is the pseudonym of ambient artist Chuck Soo-Hoo as well as the name of a creature in a Japanese monster movie – a tree with a human face that spews flower petals from its mouth. Soo-Hoo's similarly inhabits a surreal space between the artificial and natural worlds, a liminal zone where the fabricated blends with the fluid and music is a river, flowing of its own accord.
Soo-Hoo's two newest releases are concerned with the confluence of human artifice and the infinitude of nature. On Stay Indoors and Swim, Soo-Hoo simulates the undulation of an empty rec center swimming pool as it rearranges itself in neat patterns and glitters under florescent lights. The record also draws inspiration from Jacques Cousteau documentaries and Soo-Hoo's own summers spent gazing out from a lifeguard chair.
Indoor Plant Life, on the other hand, approximates the swishing of a houseplant next to an open window, a symbol of a year spent shut inside. Of the album's creation, Soo-Hoo says: "Inspired by quarantine life, I resonated with my indoor plants."
Soo-Hoo splits his time between working at dublab, L.A.'s freeform radio station, and co-hosting Contact Wave, the station's resident ambient and experimental music program. He has previously released music on Inner Islands, Atlantic Rhythms, Doom Trip, Geographic North, Never Content, and Pyramid Blood. (Bio by Chris Kissel)

Ki Oni - Indoor Plant Life II
March 2022sound as language

Ki Oni - Stay Indoors And Swim
April 2021sound as language

Ki Oni - Indoor Plant Life I
March 2021sound as language